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the Joint Research Unit on Herbivores (UMRH)

created in 2012 it is a mixed unit between:

  • the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment(INRAE)
  • the national institute of higher education and research in food, animal health, agronomic and environmental sciences(VetAgro Sup)
  • We study :
    • animal and farm efficiency
    • the construction, evaluation and prediction of the sensory and nutritional qualities of meat, milk and cheese
    • adaptive capacity and robustness of animals
    • environmental impacts and services due to livestock farming, in particular GHG and nitrogen emissions

    In order to develop sustainable and innovative agrosystems, we explore:

  • agroecology in livestock farming to integrate natural processes in the development of balanced production systems
  • precision breeding to manage farms as closely as possible and limit waste
  • For more information, visit our :website

    teams :

  • DINAMIC: Food, digestion, microbes, metabolism and nutrition
  • CARAIBE: behavior, health and well-being
  • COMETE: sustainable farming system
  • PERAQ: husbandry practices, animal robustness and product quality
  • BIOMARQUEURS: biomarkers of performance, adaptation and product quality: tissue functioning
  • holders including 73 researchers

    non-permanents including 19 doctoral and post-doctoral students


  • Herbivores-Nutrition-Efficiency
  • well-being-Adaptation-Robustness
  • quality of meat and dairy products
  • greenhouse gas - farming system
  • agroecology
  • scientific papers per year

    journals: Animal-INRA animal production
